
<  Restrained Orders  >

In the cities and some other places that humans could ever exist, the insignificant things and trifling matters are easy to be ignored. For instance, there are substances like green belts, architecture, crowds, distorting lights, and animal trails. It is clear that these images can be illustrated in the sense of restrained, disciplinary, and traceable orders once they have been found and refined into a serious conversation. With the expansion of human rules, the vague boundary between the natural and the artificial becomes more and more intense, even though the conflicts reveal a tendency of dependency. A deep and profound question has been claimed up based on this phenomenon: “Are we accepting or following these restraining orders by our own will, or are we compelled apathetically by such rules?”

“Restrained Orders” is a personal project in the form of photography. I started it in the fall of 2017. After a short-term creative experiment of “Peaceful Soul Township,” the shaper insights and observation became my perspective and helped me challenge such strangeness. Since then, the project has been shot in Singapore, Osaka, New York, Beijing, Hunan, Shaanxi, and Fujian. The process of finding the answers to the questions mentioned above will also be developed and refined in different countries in future.











陳川端,北京师范大学比较教育学硕士,后前往美国康奈尔大学 Civic Ecology Lab 进行公民生态与亲生命情节的研习。其作品早期聚焦于人类活动延伸出的各种细枝末节之物,并通过严谨的学术收敛寻求与观者的共鸣,试图向人们展示他们视而不见的眼睛忽略了怎样怪诞有趣的画面,而后在山中的生活使其对自然物以及人与自然的联结产生浓烈兴趣。于2019年8月出版摄影书《Restrained Orders》,现作为摄影师兼教育研究者工作并生活在上海。